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  • NATIONAL 2024 | The National Forum

    Featured Speakers | Conference Schedule | Hill Visits | Conference Rates | Registration | Hotel Information | FAQ Sessions | Sponsor/Exhibit Conference Photos Photo Booth Pictures Password: 062021 Thursday Load More Friday Load More Saturday Load More Featured Speakers June 20th Lori L. Hayes has been described as relevant, real, and relational. Drawing from over 20 years in education, Lori uses her comedic personality to energize, inspire and challenge audiences across the globe. As a former classroom teacher, the wife of a high school administrator, and a mother, Lori "gets" students, parents, faculty, and administrators. She can't wait to help us RECHARGE ourselves and our organizations! Lori Hayes June 21st Choosing optimism —even in the face of tough challenges—helps restore the healthy interactions and positive relationships necessary for enacting real school change. Hear how teachers and school leaders can rekindle their individual and collective enthusiasm for a profession that has been progressively inundated with negativity. Be prepared to learn, to laugh, and to leave with a renewed sense of purpose. This is a fact-based, positive approach to “taking back our profession.” Research-based strategies, practical examples, and thought-provoking scenarios will be included. ​ Purchase a ticket to Jack Berckemeyer's special session. Jack Berckemeyer June 22nd THE POWER OF POSITIVE LEADERSHIP: Leading with UNRELENTLESS HOPE and FOCUS It's not a secret that being a LEADER in education is extremely tough, especially over the last 3 years! The data clearly shows that teachers, administrators, and those in positions of leadership are burning out faster than ever before. With the growing amount of job expectations, compounded trauma amongst students and staff, and ever-pressing accountability measures, it is easy for one to become discouraged AND distracted. WE MUST REMEMBER, however, THAT THERE IS HOPE! Let's explore research, strategies, and tools to empower you to strategically forge ahead in a positive, purposed, and productive manner! There is POWER in POSITIVE LEADERSHIP! The BOSS Educator Register Today! Conference Schedule Thursday, June 20 Conference Registration / Coffee: 8:00 am Welcome / Parade of States: 9:00 am Keynote: 9:30 - 10:30 am State Meet-ups: 10:45 - 11:30 am Lunch on your own: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Session 1: 1:00 - 1:45 pm Session 2: 2:00 - 2:45 pm STW Awards - New Schools: 3:30 - 5:00 pm Friday, June 21 Conference Registration / Coffee: 8:00 am Keynote: 9:00 - 10:30 am Session 3: 10:45 - 11:30 am Lunch on your own: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Session 4: 1:00 - 1:45 pm Session 5: 2:00 - 2:45 pm STW Awards: Redesignation Levels 2 & 3 Schools 3:30 - 4:15 pm Redesignation Levels 1 & 4-7 Schools 4:30 - 5:15 pm Saturday, June 22 Continental Breakfast: 8:30 - 9:30 am The BOSS Educator: 9:30 - 11:00 am Schedule is subject to change. SCHOOLS TO WATCH AWARD CELEBRATIONS NE W AND REDESIGN ATING SCHOOLS TO WATCH WILL BE HONORED! Bring your team, dress to the nines, and celebrate your success! Conference Sponsors Thursday Keynote Speaker Sponsor Sown To Grow is a comprehensive student support platform that empowers schools to improve student social, emotional, and academic well-being through an easy and engaging reflection and feedback process. Designed by a team of former educators for practical classroom impact, Sown To Grow offers a simple Tier 1 practice for building a sense of belonging and key life skills, with real-time data on well-being and actionable resources for proactively supporting student needs. Table Sponsor - Scoutlier by Aecern helps teachers create scaffold, differentiate, and inspiring lessons to engage middle-school students in STEM and other subjects. - Scoutlier and its content are free and have been both funded and designed by the National Science Foundation, MIT Critical Data, and the DOE to help teachers scaffold, differentiate, and inspire students in classrooms of any size. Photo Booth Sponsor Arts Attack is a K-8 digital visual arts program along with Artful Reading that includes 10 read aloud books that are correlated to art lessons in the program. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Table Sponsor Great Falls Travel , an educator-owned and operated travel company, specializes in customized educational tours for students. Our experienced team of educators designs itineraries aligned with educational goals, focusing on destinations with rich learning opportunities. We handle all trip details, prioritizing safety, engagement, and unique experiences. Our commitment to memorable, educational travel sets us apart. Become a Conference Sponsor Hill Visits DIY Guide is Available Advocacy is a critical component of education policy and practice, and we want to help you make your voice heard on Capitol Hill. With our DIY Visit Guide , you can schedule and prepare for a meeting with your Senator or Representative during the National Schools to Watch Conference. Download it now and get ready to make an impact. Download Guide Early Bird Register before January 31, 2024 Schools to Watch: $399 per person Non-STW: $419 Standard Rate Register between February 1, 2024 and April 15, 2024 Schools to Watch: $449 per person Non-STW: $489 per person Don't Be Late! Register between April 15, 2024 and the day of the event Schools to Watch: $499 per person Non-STW: $519 per person ALL ACTIVITIES TAKE PLACE AT: ​ Crystal Gateway Marriott (not Crystal City) 1700 Richmond Hwy. Arlington, VA 22202 ​ Special Room Rate: $262 pl us taxes & fees Make your hotel reservations online Register Today! Frequently asked questions What types of membership are available? There are three types of membership: • Advocating Member (Individual) : $39 • Contributing Member (Individual) : $69 • Institutional Member (School) : $99/year or $275/3-years What is the renewal schedule for Memberships? Membership renewals occur on the date of the initial enrollment. For Institutional Memberships, schools have the option of selecting a one-year ($99) or a three-year ($275) Institutional Membership. What is Institutional Membership in the National Forum? Institutional Membership with the Forum is a whole-school designation available to schools that believe in and support the mission and vision of the Forum and that include one or more of the following grades – 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. Why must a school have one or more of the following grades – 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 to apply for Institutional Membership? Grades 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 comprise the middle grades, and the vast majority of young adolescents (those students aged 10-15) are in these grades. Since the middle grades and young adolescents are the foci of the Forum’s work, it made sense that the Forum should limit (at least initially) Institutional Membership to those schools with one or more of the middle grades. Can schools that are not Schools to Watch be granted Institutional Membership? Yes, but they must believe in and support the Mission and Vision of the Forum and include one or more of the following grades – 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. Can schools that are not eligible to be designated as Schools to Watch be granted Institutional Membership? Yes, but they must believe in and support the Mission and Vision of the Forum and include one or more of the following grades – 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. How is the Forum’s Institutional Membership different from its other memberships? Institutional Membership differs in several ways from currently existing memberships (Contributing Memberships and Advocating Memberships): • First, Institutional Membership is a whole-school membership while the Forum’s two other memberships are for individuals only. • Second, the Institutional Membership targets schools that believe in the Forum’s Mission and Vision and have one or more of the following grades – 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9; Contributing and Advocating Memberships are for individuals who may or may not be in a School to Watch but who wish to be more active and involved in the Forum’s effort to “accelerate middle grades reform”. • Third, the Institutional Membership category provides the Forum with a mechanism to engage and communicate with a broader constituency of middle-level practitioners (nationally and internationally) than do the existing membership classifications. What are the benefits of being an Institutional Member? The benefits of being an Institutional Member include: • The personal satisfaction of supporting the Forum in its efforts to speak with a common voice to leverage research, policy, leadership, and replicable practices to drive middle grades reform (being part of a “movement”) • Opportunities to give back to the profession (paying it forward) • Periodic reports on Forum projects to accelerate middle-grades reform • Special rates for Forum-sponsored activities • Access to all Forum publications, reports, and white papers • Access to a national network of middle-level schools that shares a common philosophy, mission, and vision. Is it possible for one person to have both a Contributing Membership and an Institutional Membership? Technically no, since Institutional Membership is available only to an eligible school and not to an individual. That being said, a person could be both a Contributing Member and a member of a school with an Institutional Membership. Must a School to Watch become an Institutional Member? Not at this time, but given the benefits of membership it is highly recommended that every School to Watch be an Institutional Member of the Forum. Can other than public schools be Institutional Members? Yes, as long as they believe in and support the Mission and Vision of the Forum and that include one or more of the following grades – 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. Can an organization other than a school (e.g., philanthropic organization and state organization) have an Institutional Membership? No. Institutional Memberships are only for schools that believe in and support the Mission and Vision of the Forum and include one or more of the following grades – 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. Schedule subject to change Become a member today! Join

  • The National Forum | Schools to Watch

    SAVE THE DATE FOR 2025! National Schools to Watch Conference Washington D.C. June 26-28, 2025 About Us Our Goal, Vision & Commitment Save the dates National Schools to Watch Conference June 20-22, 2024 Washington D.C. Get Involved Become a Forum Member ABOUT US The mission of the National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform is to unite key stakeholders to speak with a common voice to leverage research, policy, leadership, and replicable practices to drive middle grades reform. National STW Conference June 20-22, 2024 | Washington, DC JOIN US Share Your Story We want to hear from you! SHARE NOW

  • THE VIDEO | The National Forum

    Schools to Watch ® Contact Us For more information, contact Maryam Diaab, 800.326.1880, ext. 108. Advancing excellence in the middle grades

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