Hellstern Middle School

Designated in 2012
Re-Designated in 2018,2018
Community Suze -Suburban
School Enrollment - 968
Grade Levels - 6, 7
School Calendar - Traditional
Free and Reduced Lunch 50%
English Learners 25%
Students With Disabilities 9%
Hispanic 30%Â
White 58%Â
African American 2%Â
Asian <1%Â
Native American 1%Â
Pacific Islander 7%Â
Filipino 0%Â
Two or More 0%Â
Other 0%
School Characteristics and Replicable Practices
Academic Excellence
Ranked in top 20 schools in state
Top 5 in region
Science teachers writing and submitting NGSS lessons at the national level
Use of flexible scheduling to meet the needs of students
Personalized Learning Plans developed for each student
Above state and national norms in all tested subjects
Goal Setting, Rigor Matrix, Extensions, Growth Mindset
Developmental Responsiveness
Advisory Program called Habitudes
Service learning projects
School garden
Action-based learning and flexible seating
Social Equity
Tutoring available to all students
Regrouping and point-in-time remediation
Extensions such as GT, EAST, Honors Challenge
Inclusion model in place
Different cultures valued through clubs, celebrations, performances, etc.
Daily protected advisory time
Student-led conferences (attended by 93% of families)
Organizational Support
Multi-tiered Response to Intervention in place
Highly productive Professional Learning Communities (Teams and Departments)
Principal in year 3 of Master Principal Academy
Administrative support for teacher professional development